Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

- Kotton CN, Torre-Cisneros J; International CMV Symposium Faculty; Aguado JM, Alain S, Baldanti F, Baumann G, Boeken U, de la Calle M, Carbone J, Ciceri F, Comoli P, Couzi L, Danziger-Isakov L, Fernández-Ruiz M, Girmenia C, Grossi PA, Hirsch HH, Humar A, Kamar N, Kotton C, Ljungman P, Malagola M, Mira E, Mueller N, Sester M, Teng CJ, Torre-Cisneros J, Ussetti P, Westall G, Wolf D, Zamora M.(2022); Cytomegalovirus in the transplant setting: Where are we now and what happens next? A report from the International CMV Symposium 2021. ;24(6):e13977
- Cadamuro J, Baird G, Baumann G, Bolenius K, Cornes M, Ibarz M, Lewis T, Oliveira GL, Lippi G, Plebani M, (2022); Preanalytical quality improvement - an interdisciplinary journey, on behalf of the European Federation for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for Preanalytical Phase (WG-PRE). 10.1515/cclm-2022-0117
- Enko D, Hermann M, Baranyi A, Schnedl WJ, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2020) Long time blood- transfusion trend in an European general hospital. 19: 855 – 860
- Buxhofer- Ausch V, Ausch C, Reiner A, Müllner- Ammer K, Schmid A, Kriwanek S, Sebesta C, Halwachs- Baumann G, Kriegshäuser G. (2020) SFRP1 promotor methylation analysis of FTA card touch- prep samples derived from colonic polyps. 114:104397
- Halwachs- Baumann G, Winninger B. (2020) Implementation of pre- labelled barcode tubes and the GeT – System in a general hospital for the exact documentation of the time of venous blood sample and improvement of sample quality. 59(2): e65-e67
- Enko D, Wagner H, Kriegshäuser G, Wögerer J, Halwachs- Baumann G, Schnedl WJ, Zelzer S, Fauler G, Mangge H, Markus H, Meinitzer A. (2019), Iron status determination in individuals with Helicobacter pylori infection: conventional vs. new laboratory biomarkers. 57(7): 982 – 989
- Enko D, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2019) Plasma free DNA: Evaluation of temperature – associated storage effects observed for Roche Cell- Free DNA collection tubes. 29(1):010904
- Enko D, Wagner H, Kriegshäuser G, Brandmayr W, Halwachs- Baumann G, Schnedl WJ, Zelzer S, Mangge H, Meinitzer A. (2018) Assessment of tryptophan metabolism and signs of depression in individuals with carbohydrate malabsorption. 262:595 – 599
- Enko D, Brandmayr W, Halwachs- Baumann G, Schnedl WJ, Meinitzer A, Kriegshäuser G. (2018) Prospective plasma lipid profiling in individuals with and without depression. 17(1): 149
- Kriegshäuser G, Enko D, Novy M, Reithmayr A, Loidl A, Halwachs- Baumann G, Oberkanins C. (2018) EGFR Mutational Profiling in Non – Small Cell Lung Cancer: The Clinical Performance of a Sensitive Reverse- Hybridization Assay.26(6): 388 – 392
- Enko D, Meinitzer A, Brandmayr W, Halwachs- Baumann G, Schnedl WJ, Keiegshäuser G. (2018) Association between increased plasma levels of homocysteine and depression observed in individuals with primary lactose malabsorption. 13(8): e0202567
- Enko D, Harringer S, Oberkanins C, Pühringer H, Halwachs- Baumann G, Kriegshäuser G. (2018) SLCO1B1 c.521T> C Genotyping in the Austrian Population Using 2 Commercial Real- Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assays: An Implementation Study. 102(1-2):88-90
2017 und Älter
- Halwachs- Baumann G. (2006)
The congenital cytomegalovirus infection: virus – host interaction for defense and transmission.
7(4): 303- 12 - Halwachs- Baumann G, Weihrauch G, Gruber HJ, Desoye G, Sinzger C. (2006) hCMV induced IL- 6 release in trophoblast and trophoblast like cells. 37(2):91 – 7
- Stettin M, Halwachs- Baumann G, Genser B, Früwirth F, März W, Khoschsorur GA. (2006) Determination of cyclosporine A in whole blood: comparison of a chromatographic method with three different immunological methods. 69(5):1100- 5
- Wurzinger S, Bratu M, Wonisch W, Wintersteiger R, Halwachs- Baumann G, Porta S. (2006) Interdependency of oxidizability of lipoproteins and peroxidase activity with base excess, HCO3, pH and magnesium in human venous and capillary blood. 78(15):1754-9
- Meinitzer A, März W, Mangge H, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2006) More reliable brain death diagnosis with chromatographic analysis of midazolam, diazepam, thiopentone, and active metalolites. 30(3):196- 201
- Stadlbauer V, Stiegler PB, Schaffellner S, Hauser O, Halwachs G, Iberer F, Tscheliessnigg KH; Lackner C. (2006) Morphological and functional characterization of a pancreatic beta- cell line microencapsulated in sodium cellulose sulfate/poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride). 13(4):337-44
- Stiegler PB, Stadlbauer V, Schaffelner S, Halwachs G, Lackner C, Hauser O, Iberer F, Tscheliessnigg KH. (2006) Cryopreservation of insulin- producing cells microencapsulated in sodium cellulose sulfate. 38(9):3026-30
- Meinitzer A, Seelhorst U, Wellnitz B, Halwachs- Baumann G, Boehm BO, Winklmann BR, März W. (2007) Asymmetrical dimethylarginine independently predicts total and cardiovascular mortality in individuals with angiographic coronary artery disease (the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health study). 53(2):273-83
- Meinitzer A, Puchinger M, Winklhofer- Roob BM, Ribalta J, Roob JM, Sundl I, Halwachs- Baumann G, März W. (2007) Reference values for plasma concentrations of asymmertrical dimethylarginine (ADMA) and other arginine metabolites in men after validation of a chromatographic method. 348(1-2): 141- 8
- Khoschsorur G, Fruewirth F, Zelzer S, Stettin M, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2007) Comparison of fluorescent polarization immunoassay (FPIA) versus HPLC to measure everolimus blood concentrations in clinical transplantation. 380(1-2):217 – 21
- Halwachs- Baumann G. (2007) Recent developments in human cytomegalovirus diagnosis. 5(3):427-39
- Meinitzer A, Kalcher K, Gartner G, Halwachs- Baumann G, März W, Stettin M. (2008) Drugs and brain death diagnostics: determination of drugs capable of inducing EEG zero line. 46(12):1732- 8
- Schippinger G, Frankhauser F, Abuja PM, Winklhofer- Roob BM, Nadlinger K, Halwachs- Baumann G, Wonisch W. (2009) Competitive and seasonal oxidative stress in elite alpine ski racers. 19(2):206 – 12
- Lackner A, Acham A, Alborno T, Moser M, Engele H, Raggam RB, Halwachs- Baumann G, Kapitan M, Walch C. (2009) Effect on hearing of ganciclovir therapy for asymptomatic congential cytomegalovirus infection: four to 10 year follow up. 123(4):391- 6
- Kurath S, Halwachs- Baumann G, Müller W, Resch B. (2010) Transmission of cytomegalovirus via breast milk to the prematurely born infant: a systematic review. 16(8): 1172 – 8
- Koppensteiner W, Auersperg V, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2011) The use of inflammatory markers as a methode for discharging patients post hip or knee arthroplasty. 49(10):1647- 53
- Halwachs- Baumann G. (2012) Diagnosis of anaemia: old things rearranged. 162(21-22):478 – 88
- Enko D, Wallner F, von- Goedecke A, Hirschmugl C, Auerspreng V, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2013) The impact of an algorithm- guided management of preoperative anemia in perioperative hemoglobin level and transfusion of major orthopedic surgery patients. 2013:641876
- Enko D, Fridrich L, Rezanka E, Stolba R, Ernst J, Wendler I, Fabian D, Hauptlorenz S, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2014) 25- hydroxy- Vitamin D status: limitations in comparison and clinical interpretation of serum- levels across different assay methods. 60(9):1541 – 50
- Enko D, Rezanka E, Stolba R, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2014) Lactose malabsorption testing in daily clinical practice: a critical retrospective analysis and comparison oft he hydrogen/methane breath test and genetic test (c/t- 13910 polymorphism) results. 2014:464382
- Enko D, Habres C, Wallner F, Mayr B, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2014) Frequencies and specificities of „enzyme-only“ detected erythrocyte alloantibodies in patients hospitalized in austria: is an enzyme test required for routine red blood cell antibody screening? 2014: 532919
- Enko D, Kriegshäuser G, Stolba R, Worf E, Halwachs Baumann G. (2015) Method evaluation study of a new generation of vitamin D assays. 25(2):203 – 12
- Enko D, Wagner H, Kriegshäuser G, Kimbacher C, Stolba R, Worf E, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2015) Hepcidin- 25 vs. conventional clinical biomarkers in the diagnosis of functional iron deficiency. 95(6):507 – 13
- Enko D, Kriegshäuser G, Kimbacher C, Stolba R, Mangge H, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2015) Carbohydrate Malabsorption and Putative Carbohydrate- Specific Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Prevalence and Diagnostic Overlap Observed in an Austrian Outpatient Center. 92(1):32-8
- Enko D, Wagner H, Kriegshäuser G, Kimbacher C, Stolba R, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2015) Assessment of human iron status: A cross- sectional study comparing the clinical utility of different laboratory biomarkers and definitions of iron deficiency in daily practice. 48(13-14): 891-6
- Enko D, Pllheimer V, Nemeth S, Pühringer H, Stolba R, Halwachs- Baumann G, Kriegshäuser G. (2016) Lactase Non- Persistence Genotyping: Comparison of Two Real- Time PCR Assays and Assessment of Concomitant Fructose/Sorbitol Malabsorption Rates. 62(4): 727- 30
- Enko D, Kriegshäuser G, Stolba R, Mangge H, Brandstetter D, Mayr N, Forstner T, Halwachs- Baumann G. (2016) Assesment of vitamin D status and serum CrossLaps levels in adults with primary lactose malabsorption. 70(9): 1000- 3
- Enko D, Halwachs- Baumann G, Stolba R, Rössler O; Kriegshäuser G. (2016) Performance evaluation of a rapid whole- blood immunoassay for thr detection of IgG antibodies against Helicobacter pylori in daily clinical practice. 15(1):47
- Enko D, Halwachs – Baumann G, Stolba R, Mangge H, Kriegshäuser G. (2016) Refining small intestinal bacterial overgrowth diagnosis by means of carbohydrate specificity: a proof – of – concept study. 9(3): 265 – 72
- Kriegsäuser G, Wagner C, Mangge H, Halwachs- Baumann G, Enko D. (2016) Impact of Pneumatic Tube System Transport of Whole Blood Samples on Free DNA Concentration in Human Plasma. 62(12):1672 – 1673
- Enko D, Meinitzer A, Managge H, Kriegshäuser G, Halwachs- Baumann G, Reininghaus EZ, Bengesser SA, Schnedl WJ. (2016) Concomitant Prevalence of Low Serum Diamine Oxidase Activity and Carbohydrate Malabsorption. 2016:4893501
- Enko D, Kriegshäuser G, Halwachs- Baumann G, Mangge H, Schnedl WJ. (2017), Serum diamine oxidase activity is associated with lactose malabsorption phenotypic variation, 50(1 – 2): 50 – 30